Monday, October 5, 2009

hi friends,I'm back ......thanks for the post friends, i just read those post....
In the post that Eliza's post about the article its clearly shows that truant students is consuming to alcoholic drinks. students who are truant not only consume to alcoholic but they also take drugs and smoke. this habits are totally injuries to their health. furthermore truancy effects alot on the student because students who are truant keen to involve in gangsterism, vandalism and shoplifting. this kind of activities will spoil their future life. moreover truancy not only effects the students itself but it also effects people around them. when students play truant teachers take action to solve their students problem. this act will slow down the class teaching time and also will effect other student studies. other than that truancy also effect our community where when students play truant they might involved in gangsterism that will make people around them feel unsafe and frustrated with their its clearly shows that truancy makes every one's life unsafe especially the truant students that's all for now catch you all soon....

posted by: kokila

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