Saturday, September 12, 2009

hi kokila here just wanna add little bit about what had been posted by my Friends about what is the cause of truancy........... truancy is not only caused by the students but its also caused by the family, school, and community... i know everyone already know about that after u all read our posts in the blog........but just wanna inform that generally, truancy is a three-fold are some list of causes that i found about truancy is caused by student, family, school and community.......


1. Poor self-concept; low self-esteem
2. Low academics; particularly behind in reading and math
3. Socially isolated; poor inter-personal skills; lack of positive peer relationships at school
4. Feeling of not belonging at school, of being different
5. Feeling of lack of control over life (i.e. 'No matter how hard I try I will not succeed.')
6. Little or no extra-curricular involvement
7. Mental and/or emotional instability; childhood depression
8. Unidentified learning disabilities
9. Vision and/or auditory problems that have gone undiagnosed
10. Language barriers
11. Poor health
12. Negative peer relationships; older, non-school oriented friends
13. Substance abuse
14. Fear of school, teachers, and/or administrators
15. Experienced recent traumatic event (divorce, death of a loved one)
16. Fear of physical protection going to or at school
17. Teenage pregnancy and/or parenting.

1. Parents lack appreciation for value of education
2. Parents are high-school dropouts
3. Financial difficulties (lack of adequate nutrition, clothing, transportation; inability to pay fees)
4. Ineffective parenting; lack of parental control and supervision
5. Familial instability (one-parent household; parental discord; poor parent-child relationship;
frequent moving)
6. Inappropriate role models
7. Child abuse and/or neglect (physical, psychological, sexual)
8. Substance abuse; alcoholic parent
9. Parental convenience (older sibling kept home to babysit for young children)

1. Uninteresting and irrelevant curriculum
2. Improper class placement (above or below abilities)
3. Failure to identify and provide services for problem students
4. Poor pupil-teacher relationships
5. Insufficient counseling and guidance staff
6. High student/teacher ratio
7. Low teacher expectations
8. Lack of parent - school communication and involvement
9. Too weak, or too rigid administration of policies

1. Lack of support for school
2. Lack of, or unresponsive community service agencies
3. Community upheaval and social change
4. Loss of neighborhood schools and sense of 'ownership' of schools
5. Negative peer influences
6. High incidence of substance abuse, criminal activity
7. Gang activity
8. Inadequate provision for transportation

i know its a long list but we can know what caused truancy based on those list.....

posted by kokila

i think there is a point in eliza's post that we all should give attention..that students play traunt coz their parents encourage them. parents bring their children for vacation during school time. even statistic shows that the highest numbers of youngsters missing school for family vacation. and yeah i agree there are parents who does not give importance to their children's education especially those who are from rural areas.they prefer their children take over their family business rather than wasting their time studying in schools.therefore, they dont really care whether their children doing well in their studies or not. anyways i found another reasons for students bunking off from school which is the students who suffering from dyslexia( having difficulties in studies ) which is not been discovered or recognised by his or her parents or any other parties and as to avoid to be treaten unsympathetically by his friends , teachers or parents they will stop going school at all.
zainab bt ibrahim
there are many reasons why students play truant in their lives. evrybody in society should be responsible over this social problem. i would like to add few more points that I discovered from a book.

1. Poor parental supervision

  • parents these days are just too busy with their career to earn a living for their families. kids are left by their own wondering around while parents are at work. children are well aware that their parents are busy at work that they have the guts to bunk off school and chill out with other truants.

2. School atmosphere

  • it is obvious that there are many students in a school. therefore, this leads to a noisy environment. there are some students who cant agree to this environment while studying..which eventually leads them to play truant. they rather be at home studying for a better concentration.

3. Lack of attention

  • some classes are just over-crowded with students probably because the school lack of classes. in each classes, there are students who need personal attention and expects the teachers to offer such attention. but this is quite impossible for a class with many students. hence, these students make their own decisions to stay back home and get their parents to teach them.

source: helping troubled people by chris kyriacou

eliza maria benjamine