Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hmm..yeah students might sit at home and study but i dont think majority do so. half of the students bunk off just because want to hang out with their friends like they go watch movies, bowling or there are students who do vandalism around destroy public properties and stuff. just because students not been caught for playing truant therefore social problems are increasing rapidly in our country. students involving in destructive habits such as taking drugs.besides that, there are few numbers of students who do part time job during school hours therefore they take studies for granted and concentrate more on their work..im not saying that its wrong to do part time job because may be they just want to help out their parents in financial matter but i tihnk they should just work on weekend instead of weekdays during school hours they should know how to manage their time and equally give importance to their studies as well as their job.. furthermore, one more thing that students normally do when they play truant is that they go for a vacations with their family. the thing we should concern about this is that why the parents encourage and bring their kids for vacation during school time?