Friday, October 2, 2009

Hi fellow members and followers. Hope all of you enjoyed the holiday. Well..I surely did! In my humble opinion, students who play truant are risking their chances of having a bright future. These individuals are clearly mentally immature to be involved in such social problem and having their future destroyed in a snap. How can they not imagine their own future by being involved in of the popular social problem? It is just sad to think that they would not be able to achieve a higher level of education. Truancy among students also affects the schools. An increasing rate of truancy cases will ruin the reputation of schools involved. This will then lead to parents not having faith or shall I say confident on a school. Parents would not want to send their children to a school which has a high rate of social problems. Besides that, truancy will certainly affect an entire class. Teachers tend to slow down and pay more attention on truants. This is so that students who plays truant can catch up with the syllabus. Other than that, the teacher might have to repeat the syllabus over again and this will disturb the other students who had already done that particular syllabus. Worse come to worst, the teacher might have to spare more of their time by carrying out extra classes.

posted by Eliza Maria Benjamine
my opinion on what had kokila has post is that there are 2 major effects of truancy give on a students..first is that playing traunt can spoil their studies another is that it can lead to more other social problems among teenagers such as vandalism, smoking, involvement in drugs and so on. it's obvious that when a student keep on skipping classes he wont be able to know whats goin on in class..what his teacher teaches in class and stuff so eventually he wont be able to score a good marks in exam. when a student play truant n hang around with his friends there are much higher possiblity that he might approach those who already creating social problems nowadays.therefore, the numbers of teenagers creating social problem will go higher and higher and all these problems will trouble the society and the our country only.