Tuesday, October 13, 2009

RaYa BrEaK.......

Hi friends i'm kokila here.....so, as you'll see our blog we have one with our research question and research objective.So i and my group members hope that everyone have a clear picture about truancy.In this project i got alot of information about truancy and i realize that i also have been truant.Now i would like to share what i did in the raya break as everyone knows that we went for one week holiday.In this holiday i just spend my time with my family members and have delicious food that cook by mum.Besides that i help my dad to paint my house as you all know deepavali is just in the conner so just want to make the house look nice.Happy is happy but i also plenty of assignment to finish up in this holiday too so at nite i ussually sit and do my assignments .I think thats all for me to share with you'll wish you'll also enjoy your holiday. Before i end up i like to thank my group members and dr.zaini to guide me and have a wonderfull class.