Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hi friends! Thank you for the feedback on reasons students play truant. I must say that is an interesting article posted by Kokila. It is actually not to my surprise because it happens here, in Malaysia too. Few years back, I had a friend who skips school and classes just to be with her guy. She did so because her family does not approve her of being in an relationship while she is still pursuing her studies in school. As for the points posted by Zainab, she explained the causes in detail. I have forgotten to mention that parents are also the cause for students playing truant. There are some parents that encourage their child to play go for family vacation during schooling days and even when parents themselves are not able to wake up early in the morning to drop their kids to school. As for my parents, they do encourage me to skip school at times for a family vacation. Besides that, there are some students who are forced to earn a living while pursuing their studies because of help their family who experiences financial problems. Many parents do not explain to their kids on the importance of education in life. This is the main reason why students do not care for the times they play truant and continue to do it.

Eliza Maria Benjamine