Saturday, September 12, 2009

i think there is a point in eliza's post that we all should give attention..that students play traunt coz their parents encourage them. parents bring their children for vacation during school time. even statistic shows that the highest numbers of youngsters missing school for family vacation. and yeah i agree there are parents who does not give importance to their children's education especially those who are from rural areas.they prefer their children take over their family business rather than wasting their time studying in schools.therefore, they dont really care whether their children doing well in their studies or not. anyways i found another reasons for students bunking off from school which is the students who suffering from dyslexia( having difficulties in studies ) which is not been discovered or recognised by his or her parents or any other parties and as to avoid to be treaten unsympathetically by his friends , teachers or parents they will stop going school at all.
zainab bt ibrahim

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