Monday, October 5, 2009

prevention measures

hey we are moving up to the next topic which is "prevention measures for truancy".
there are many ways to overcome the truancy problem among students if all the parties work hand in hand.parents or guardians involvements play an important role to overcome the truancy problems among students. Parents must improve the environment of their house so that their children wont get stressed out and start involving themselve in immoral activities such as truancy. parents must show a good example and be a role model for their children. parents also must always keep an eye on their children;s daily activities and always make sure that their children's are doing well in school. There are many cases that children start involving in negative activities because their parents like to push them in studies or anything in their life. therfore, parents must always try to advise their children in a nice way instead of scolding or pushing them all the time.moreover, parents should not let their children take time off school for minor ailments because it might become their habits in future if they are keep on taking off whenever they want.

School must expose their students about importance of good attendance and punctuality
taking an interest in their education ask about school work and encourage them to get involved in school activities.besides that, school must have an good counselling centre where they are encouraged to discuss any problems they may have at school and if necessary inform their teacher or headteacher about anything serious.
as we all know that there are students who skip schools because they afraid of being bully by his or her seniors in school. so that, school authority must take an action towards those who bully these students. however for those serious problems of truancy, school authority must handle them by carrying out hard punishment or may be they can ask for police's help.

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