Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi there everyone! It’s me..Eliza Maria Benjamine, a member of Eureka. I want to thank Zainab for an interesting introduction on truancy among students. We hope that everyone understand the definition of truancy in general. Now, we are going to move on with the next discussion which is...Why are the students playing truant?? Based on reliable sources, here are some of the reasons on truancy among students...


  • Most students these days are much more captivated by entertainment such as watching television, playing video games and surfing the net. Therefore, such entertainment will distract their mind from education and this will lead them to play truant.


  • Some students experience difficulities in absorbing and understanding certain subjects/lessons in school such as Mathematics, History, Science and many more. Therefore, some of them play truant simply because they cannot take the pressure of not understanding things.


  • Bullies in school makes most students feel unsafe and insecure. Bullying is a serious matter that even teachers are not able to control it. Most students tend to play truant to excape harassment and physical assault.


  • Some students have re-occuring health complication such as asthma, migraine and gastric. these students normally play truant because some parents cant afford to pay the medical bills and medical certificates cant be given too often. As a result, students stay back home and do not attend lessons.


  • Mind-numbing lessons, in other words, uninteresting lessons are one of the reasons why students play truant. Most students rather stay at home to avoid a boring class. Lessons on history, geography and languages are some of the lessons known to be uninteresting. As for me, lessons may be boring only when a student have no interest in it.

According to,

thanks eliza and kokila for your comments..i totally agree with eliza that students are not the only one who should be blamed other parties like parents, teachers, friends are equally to be blamed for this. anyways i think we have done with difinition and should move to the next topic that " why students are truanting". under this topic we will know who is actually responsible for this social problem.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

hi everybody! its me again..eliza! wow..its been awhile since the last i posted anything. .well im back now people! i hope you get a rough idea of what truancy among students are. it is generally known as 'ponteng' in Malaysia. believe it or not..the number of students playing truant is rapidly increasing in our country.its going to be quite an interesting discussion..we are going to go move on further on this topic. people around normally thinks that students are to be blamed for playing truant. well guess what...its not just the students who ought to be blamed! there are other parties involved including parents (sorry mom and heart feelings). i know what is probably going on in your mind right a heartless child..haha! you might be thinking why am i dragging parents to be blamed in this matter. will find out when its my turn to discuss on 'why are the students truanting?' this is goodbye now. thank you!

Monday, August 10, 2009

hi,Friends......m kokila here from eureka group.....m pursuing my degree in English,zainab n eliza form this group for our english for science social class.In this blog we going to discuss about truancy among students..i quest u all know already because my Friends had already posted something about truancy.i agree what eliza and zainab has mention about what is truancy.Now days truancy is most popular problem among student.Students usually play truant when they didn't attend their classes or even when they didn't go school.As we all know most of the student are playing truant now days.Actually i also been truant last time when m in my secondary school coz i dun like sejarah at all........thats a really boring subject.............but now m not like tat any more because i realize tat is wrong n we not should not play tats all from me catch u all up soon....bye

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey people! Eliza here. I am also curently persuing my degree..literature in english which is also known as e-lit! I agree with what zainab a certain extend i would say. Yes..truancy is bad..but it would be lame if a student had not play truant before. Playing truant is someting to expirience while and when we are schooling..just to expirience it ha..not practice it!! By the way, not all truants do negative stuffs when they play truant. Some just miss classes and stay back at home watching is not negative at all. From my own expirience of playin truant, i missed skool to hang out with my friends at the mall. Just to watch movie n feast.Our parents were tight as in strict back then and they would not let us go out on weekends. So we take the oppurtunity to skip skool and at the same time spend quality time as teenagers in the mall.hehe.I sure did enjoyed myself.Other than that, i normally play truant when i cant get out of my bed early in the morning. Nowadays, most students play truant for all the wrong reasons and cause chaos for other students who is just lazy to wake up early morning! Thank you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday February 26, 2009


A VILLAGER from Kampung Batu Melintang, Jeli, came across a clearing at an oil palm plantation, believed to be a popular hangout of students who play truant and indulge in unhealthy activities, Kosmo! reported.

Mohd Rizam Che Abas, 35, was quoted as saying that truancy among both male and female students had become more widespread this year.

“I hope the school authorities will ensure that students do not continue with such activities,” he said.

A check by Kosmo! showed that the oil palm plantation was one of the “lepak” spots where students head to when they skip school.

Villager Nik Abdul Salam Nik Azam, 19, said students frequented the spot to sniff glue and drink beer.

“The plantation is not only frequented by the students but also by other teenagers for immoral activities,” he said.

Jeli OCPD Deputy Supt Mohd Hanifah Abdul Malik said police had been patrolling and monitoring the area to nab students who skip class.

So far, none has been caught yet.

URL :thestar online

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Truancy is any intentional unauthorized absence from compulsory schooling. The term typically describes absences caused by students of their own free will, and usually does not refer to legitimate "excused" absences, such as ones related to medical conditions. The term's exact meaning differs from school to school, and is usually explicitly defined in the school's handbook of policies and procedures.
It may also refer to students who attend school but do not go to classes.
Beyond the effect that missed schooling may have on a
student's educational attainment, truancy may indicate more deeply embedded problems with the student, the education system, or both. Truancy is commonly associated with juvenile delinquency. In some schools, truancy may result in an ineligibility to graduate or to receive credit for class attended, until the time lost
to truancy is made up through a combination of detention, fines, or summer school.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HI guys ..i'm zainab bt ibrahim from eureka group!..recently i'm studying in ukm ..doing my degree in literature in english...well i guess my friend Eliza already mentioned in the introduction that why we created this blog..:) anywayzs lets talk about truancy u guys know what is truancy...u'll know right..? those who don't know you can read the definition above...i believe after reading it u'll can atleast get a rough ideas abt truancy.. i got this definition from wikipedia...its explain abt what is truancy ..nowadays as we all can see that truancy has become one of the biggest social problem among school students..many students can be seen hanging around with their friends in malls, cinema, cyber cafe during school quite confused as i dont knw whom to blame exactly..i believe there are many reasons behind a student play truant.some kids they play truant may be they don't like the subject or the teacher ..i say this as i used to play truant even during my school time because i didnt like the teacher..the teacher did not teach most of the time n if she teach also i could not understand what she was teaching so i thought better i just skip the class than get scolded from the teacher if i could not answer her questions ..:D but i just hang around in school only like in canteen or sumthing..i noticed few times..even i felt this way before that some teachers like to give more importance to their "pet students" ...hmm!! may b this also can be a reason for student play truant!!...however there another definition i found in this website that truancy can be define as students from age 8 to 17 skip classes without any valid excuses for three or more days. there are exceptional for 16 years old students because normally they are employed when school is in session,and they holds an employment certificate. but this is only for certain countries like America

wELcOmE tO eUrEka !!!

greetings to all fellow members and followers of eUrEka. its a pleasure to have you all contribute to our discussion. this blog consist of 3 members..eliza maria benjamine, kokilavaani a/p ravindran and zainab bt ibraahim. this blog is specially created to discuss about truancy among students. this is a task given to us by Dr. Zaini who is our lecturer for our social science in english language course. there are a few things in this blog that we are suppose to discuss about truancy and they are:

what is truancy among students? by zainab

why are the students playing truant? by eliza

what do students do when they play truant? by eliza and kokila

what are the effects on students who play truant? by kokila

what measures can be taken to prevent truancy among students? by zainab