Tuesday, August 18, 2009

hi everybody! its me again..eliza! wow..its been awhile since the last i posted anything. .well im back now people! i hope you get a rough idea of what truancy among students are. it is generally known as 'ponteng' in Malaysia. believe it or not..the number of students playing truant is rapidly increasing in our country.its going to be quite an interesting discussion..we are going to go move on further on this topic. people around normally thinks that students are to be blamed for playing truant. well guess what...its not just the students who ought to be blamed! there are other parties involved including parents (sorry mom and dad..no heart feelings). i know what is probably going on in your mind right now..im a heartless child..haha! you might be thinking why am i dragging parents to be blamed in this matter. well..you will find out when its my turn to discuss on 'why are the students truanting?'..so this is goodbye now. thank you!

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