Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey people! Eliza here. I am also curently persuing my degree..literature in english which is also known as e-lit! I agree with what zainab a certain extend i would say. Yes..truancy is bad..but it would be lame if a student had not play truant before. Playing truant is someting to expirience while and when we are schooling..just to expirience it ha..not practice it!! By the way, not all truants do negative stuffs when they play truant. Some just miss classes and stay back at home watching is not negative at all. From my own expirience of playin truant, i missed skool to hang out with my friends at the mall. Just to watch movie n feast.Our parents were tight as in strict back then and they would not let us go out on weekends. So we take the oppurtunity to skip skool and at the same time spend quality time as teenagers in the mall.hehe.I sure did enjoyed myself.Other than that, i normally play truant when i cant get out of my bed early in the morning. Nowadays, most students play truant for all the wrong reasons and cause chaos for other students who is just lazy to wake up early morning! Thank you.

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