Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hi there everyone! I would like to share a little about things I did and places I went during the Hari Raya break. The break officially started on 19th of September 2009 until 27th of September 2009, which sums up to a week of happy holiday. As for me, I started my holiday a day before (18/09/2009) because I had no classes that day. I spent the day at KL Sentral just walking around with my fellow course mate, Arththi from Pahang. I am currently a part timer Barista in Starbucks Coffee Company. I had to work during the weekend and was happy to do so because of the triple pay. I was practically busy with my pending assignments and quizzes coming ahead. On the first few days of Raya, my friends and I visited a couple of our close Muslim friends. I enjoyed the festive season food such as ‘rendang ayam’, ‘ketupat’, ‘lemang’ and ‘kuah kacang’. Besides the festive celebration, the second best part of the Raya break was Arthurs Day Concert (25/09/2009), which is better known as the anniversary of Guinness Stout. My childhood friend, Nicole, gave me a surprise by presenting me a ticket to the concert at Sunway Lagoon. I felt so happy and excited to watch the Black Eyed Peas performing live in Malaysia and it was also my very first concert anticipation. On that day, we were there earlier at about 5pm (3 hours before show) because it was free standing and we really wanted to get a good place to stand. Believe it or not, we were right in front the stage and we had a good view of our local as well as the international music artist. I was there until after midnight and then we headed to a ‘mamak’ for dinner+supper. I had to work again on the very next day and manage to try some Raya cookies made by my fellow Muslim colleagues. Then, Sunday came and I had to leave home for UKM to further my journey on Literature in English. Overall, I had a great Raya holiday although I was very busy with my assignments. That is all for now. I want to thank my fellow members and followers for their active participation in this blog on Truancy among Students. I personally feel we did a good job and manage to send out important messages to others. At last but not least, I want to thank Dr Zaini for her endless support and guidance during carrying out this assignment. Thank you again.

Posted by Eliza Maria Benjamine

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