Wednesday, October 7, 2009

hi friends, so now we have move on to our last RQ that is how to prevent truancy among students. so, as u all read what had zainab and eliza posted they tell that education about truancy is important in the early stage and i totally agree with that point because people are shaped when they are children.futhermore,the school authority also must be aware of this problem and must be always alert to the students that are absent and inform to thier parents so that the parents can control their children from being truant.Truant students place themselves at risk for financial failure, delinquent behaviors and substance abuse. Truancy prevention efforts must involve the family, the school and the community. Preventing truancy is about more than just forcing the child to attend class. You must identify and address the root cause. Now i will explain some steps how to prevent truancy among students:

Step 1
Insist on accurate record keeping. If your child has truancy issues, the school's attendance policies may not be consistent or effective enough to track your child.

Step 2
Ask the school to notify you when your child is absent. The school must notify you whether the absence is excused or unexcused to ensure the child is not forging his own excuses.

Step 3
Investigate the safety of the child's school. An environment with gang or bullying issues encourages truancy.

Step 4
Explore alternative schools in your district. Other truant students can negatively influence your child and you may need to switch schools for severe problems. Talk to your school's guidance counselor about this possibility.

Step 5
Escort your child to school, whether by walking or driving the child. You can shield your child from violence or truant peers by taking her directly to her first class.

Step 6
Work with your child on subjects with which he struggles. Children skip school to avoid facing embarrassment in the classroom when their academic performance is poor.

Step 7
Make school a priority. Students must not miss school to help with the family business or to attend vacations that fall during the school year. Allowing students to miss school for reasons other than illness or family emergencies sends the message that school is not important.

This are some of the step of that could be used.

posted by:kokila

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