Thursday, October 1, 2009

hi friends kokila its my turn to post my research far we had finish three RQ and nw the fourth RQ is what are the effect on students who play truant? we all know they are many effect to the student who play truant if they keep on truanting for a long term or short term...students who become truant and eventually drop out school too often set themselves up for a life struggle so its effects them self and others.....


~Effects of truancy for the student include:
  • Decreased learning ability
  • Involvement in daytime crime, such as breaking and entering, vandalism, and shoplifting
  • Increased risk of dropping out of school
  • Two and a half times more likely to be on welfare
  • Involvement in gangs
  • Struggling to catch up with school assignments
  • Failing classes
  • Risk of not obtaining a higher education.

  • Effects of truancy to others:
  • Truancy affects an entire class when a teacher slows down to help the truant student
  • An increase in crime means more victims
  • Increased cost to the whole community for additional law enforcement
  • Welfare costs to society

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